Pam Kessinger created ALREADY WITHIN Yoga studio here at Pedalers Fork in 2018. Pam specializes in Recovery Yoga - a therapeutic form of Yoga she crafted to help prevent and recover from injury. Pam works with local professional athletes (NFL, NBA, cyclists, etc.) and has worked with the Los Angeles Rams, Dallas Cowboys, US Army Special Forces, Navy Seals and Wounded Warriors.
You can find Pam teaching weekly classes, teacher trainings and workshops. Her classes are filled with thoughtful alignment themes and insightful adjustments but with a light hearted, playful approach. Her ability to see the body is influenced by her 20+ years of practice, teaching and training in both yoga, fitness and meditation.
Her vision in creating this studio was to develop a variety of offerings and build a community where people from all walks of life can come for growth and nourishment of their body, mind and soul. She believes yoga should be fun and uses breathwork as a gateway to remind us to be still, to listen and to know everything we seek is Already Within each of us.
Follow her @pamkessinger
Casey is a certified yoga instructor, meditation guide, and Evolutionary Astrologer. Her classes blend physical movement with mindfulness practices, and can include asana, pranayama, ecstatic dance, guided visualization and meditation. As a metaphysical philosopher and student of Jungian Psychology, Casey additionally facilitates workshops and courses that blend astrology and the wisdom of the Yoga Tantra.
Casey says, “I feel deeply passionate about ending the war between the ecstatic and the mundane, the spiritual and the material. My service is to guide people back to their own divinity, in the most literal sense. Enlightenment and heaven are not destinations to be reached, rather states of being that can be accessed simply by tapping into the wholeness that exists Already Within each and every one of us.”
Follow her @neptunefolk
Come heal with me! Connect to your highest self and your inner light with the power of sound.
Tatum, certified sound and energy healer.
Follow her @tatumnicolee
Dia’s purpose in life is to create safe spaces for people to heal. Because of this, her teaching style is compassionate, challenging and heart-centered. They always say that teachers teach what they need, and Dia is no exception here.
Dia is the first to admit she can often move too fast in life and that her (once resourceful) coping mechanism is to stay busy, productive and (what she learned as a child to be) valuable. As a trial lawyer at a top global law firm over a decade ago, Dia used yoga, breath work and meditation to keep herself sane, healthy and working at her best. But it wasn’t until she left the practice of law that her yoga and meditation practice opened a path of deep personal exploration and healing. And while she walks this path of healing daily (as much as one can with a toddler and being pregnant!), her teaching style is to meet each person where they are and offer them a chance to come home to themselves, again and again.
While her teaching style is slow and intentional to contrast the busy-ness of our lives, you can also expect to feel physically challenged during her classes. Dia’s classes have long holds, flowing sequences and opportunities to kick it up or relax it down based on your own body’s wisdom.
Mike Bücher discovered yoga while on the road as a touring musician, a job that left him depleted and disconnected from himself. Utilizing the principles of a breath-centered practice, Mike was able to once again experience intimacy with the world around him, and more importantly, experience intimacy within himself.
He has been practicing and facilitating yoga ever since, and believes strongly that there is a right yoga for everyone. He is passionate about introducing people to a practice that is useful, and that they can take with them wherever they go. Mike is certified through the Yoga Alliance (500ERYT). He received Trauma Informed Certification through Uprising Yoga, and is a Certified Life Coach through Rose Yoga Australia.
Mike is a longtime student of Mark Whitwell, who teaches yogic principles as taught to him directly by T.K.V. Desikachar and T. Krishnamacharya.
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde
Follow him @harmonyofopposites